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Redefine Engagement,
Redefine Sports Business

Redefining the cross-sectoral engagements between various stakeholders within the sports industry to enable sports as a viable business sector in Nigeria through practical problem solving and a collaborative approach

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Who We Are

Sport Nigeria LTD/GTE was established to operate in the following capacity:

  • A private sector-led intervention agency to assist in the development of the Sports Industry in Nigeria, by harnessing and deploying investment, development, and private sector funds across the value chain of sports
  • Implementation of the strategies for the development of sports as a platform for economic, social and youth development.

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Our Operations

Sport Nigeria will:

  • Enable the developement of the structures of a grassroots community based sports industry across Nigeria by engaging with Private investors, Funding Partners, DFIs, Corporate Organisations, Donor Agencies, National and Sub-national governments, MDAs, National Sports Federations, and other stakeholders to develop sports as a private sector driven industry.
  • Assist in increasing the number of people doing sports in the country - create demand for sports goods and services.
  • Grow the quantum of investment in the business of sports in Nigeria to meet the increased demand for goods and services.
  • Act as a trigger for investment into critical areas of the sports industry value chain.